Determination of fire and explosion characteristics
In laboratory tests, the fire and explosion characteristics of deposited and whirled-up dust can be investigated in accordance with DIN EN 14034-1 to 3, DIN EN 13821 and VDI Guideline 2263 Sheets 1 and 9.
This includes examinations on:
1. Deposited dust
- Flammability
- Burning behavior
- Minimum ignition temperature of a 5 mm layer of dust (glow temperature)
- Determination of autoignition temperature (400 ml wire basket)
- Exothermic decomposition
2. Whirled up dust
- Dust explosion capability
- Lower explosion limit
- Maximum explosion pressure
- KSt value
- Minimum ignition energy
- Limiting oxygen concentration
- Minimum ignition temperature of a dust cloud
- Dusting number
3. Carbonization gases
- Flammability
- Explosiveness
Contact persons
Price list for the determination of safety parameters of dusts
In addition to these safety-related parameters, process parameters that have changed compared to laboratory conditions, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, dust concentration or turbulence, can also be investigated with regard to their influence on ignition and explosion behavior.
Helpful metrics for hazard analyses and zoning
The new dusting index can be applied whenever questions arise in practice that require knowledge of a bulk material's tendency to form dust clouds.
The GESTIS database of the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (IFA) of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) is a comprehensive set of tables on the characteristics of dusts.